Monday, January 30, 2017

Six Months of Brynn

How in the world have we been your parents for half a year already?! Time is flying! You are becoming more and more active and you have the greatest little personality.

This month you have truly found your voice. When you're happy for squeal at an octave only Mariah Carey can hit and your laugh is contagious. You "talk" to us in the mornings and tell me about your day when I get home from work. On the other side of the spectrum your new cry is rough. It's incredibly loud, high pitched, and heartbreaking. We do everything we can to keep you in a good mood so we don't have to hear it.

You still love your "office",dogs, frozen pacifiers, and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Your new loves include your feet, your Belle doll we got at Walt Disney World, and eating solid foods, which is what your "6" is made of! Sweet potatoes are your favorite followed by apples, mangoes, and prunes. You like baby cereal as long as it's mixed with something else. you like drinking your two ounces of apple juice every day and even hold the bottle by yourself.

You're rolling over, pulling yourself up, and sitting on your own. You're starting to crawl and I feel like this time next month you will be on the move!

You are growing so well and we are excited that we get to be apart of it every day! We love you mouse! 

And a fun little bonus...this is a picture of momma at six months old and a picture of you at the same age in the same dress!!! You look so big!

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Five Months of Brynn

This has been a month of moving and shaking! You are growing so much and looking like such a big girl. You have mastered rolling over and do it any chance you get. You are starting to not love your swing anymore, except for your morning swing time during Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Your new seating preferences are your high chair and exersaucer, which daddy calls your "office." You have a whole new love for your Baby Einstein Play Gym now that you have figured out how to play with all the toys on it and I even added some of these links to give you more things to be able to grab on to.

Teething has hit you pretty hard this month. We feel so bad that you're hurting and holding out hope for the end of this stage. In the meantime we are giving you frozen pacifiers and poor Sophie the Giraffe is earning her keep.

You are all about your pup brother and sister nowadays! Mulligan is your buddy and he gives you kisses on your cheeks and feet anytime he can. Caddie has finally warmed up to you and will give you little nudges when mommy is holding you. They both love to watch you play and we can tell they're eager for you to get bigger so they can play with you.

This month our home became a bit fuller with your Mim making the move down to Georgia to take care of you while mommy and daddy work. We are so grateful to have her taking care of you because we were so scared of putting you in daycare as a little baby. You two have bonded quickly and you've made sure to let her know that you are running the show. Your Uncle Jay is living down here too for a few months while he is playing in his first professional golf tour here in Georgia and Florida. We are so excited to go watch him play and watch daddy be his caddy when he can.

Your "5" is made from some of your toys that you got on your first Christmas!

Each month as you grow we get busier and busier (which is why this post is late...again) but I promise to try better next month! We love you so much Mouse!

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

New Year, New Goals

I love New Year's! The opportunity to start fresh at the beginning of each year is so inspiring and this year I'm excited to hit the reset button on life. Accountability is huge for me so I wanted to lay out a set of goals to work on for 2017 that I can look back on throughout the year to make sure I'm holding true to them.

Personal Goals
  • Start leading a healthier lifestyle. When we moved to Georgia my husband and I both gained a lot of weight. We've made excuses for far too long and now it's times to buckle down and be good examples for Brynn. 
  • Dressing better. I want to become a more stylish person and more put together. I'll be calling on all my super chic friends to help!
  • Master a new hobby...for me this is golf. You would think being married to a college golf coach and being a sister-in-law to a golf pro I would already have this on lock down but that isn't the case. I'm starting lessons (hopefully twice a week) with my brother-in-law, Jay, this month.
Family Goals
  • Budgeting our money better is something we need to focus on. Saving more for a future home and starting a college fund for Brynn.
  • Capture our memories with our wonderful GoPro. That goes hand in hand with traveling and exploring more which is something we love doing. 
  • Become more organized by maintaining a family calendar. We have busy schedules and things tend to creep up on us so having a central place for all our plans should be very helpful.
Blog Goals
  • GROW! I want to expand this little blog with more frequent posts with content variety
  • Start using ShopStyle and try to earn some money from blogging
  • Feature my talented friends and favorite shops more, as well as host a couple giveaways!