Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Wedding Wednesday: Figuring Out Our First Look

Hi y'all and thanks for stopping by for my beloved Wedding Wednesday! This week I'm in need of some advice or suggestions for a new wedding tradition: The First Look. Brian and I spent a lot of time discussing the pros and cons of doing a first look on our wedding day. We ultimately decided that having a first look gave us more time to have photos taken with our entire wedding party before the ceremony and more time for family and "just us" pictures after the ceremony.

I know seeing each other for the first time on our wedding day will be super emotional and I can completely own up to being a Kim Kardashian caliber ugly crier. I don't like to cry in front of others so having a moment where it's just Brian and I will allow me to have the most genuine reaction. We're planning on doing our first look at Brian's alma mater, Lake Erie College. The campus has a beautiful fountain we'd like to have in pictures but I don't know if that spot would be good for our first look. We've looked at different ways to do the first look and here are a few of our favorites that we found on Pinterest...

The classic bride walking up behind the groom.


A side by side peek-a-boo.

A balloon bouquet reveal. We both love the Disney movie UP!, so this could be cute. 

Back to back shoot out style where we walk out and turn on the count of three. 

Getting some help from Brian's brother, Jay and my sister, Larissa. 

Now here's where you can help. Cast your vote and tell us your favorite! Have you seen any other first look ideas that we missed? Do you have an idea for a first look you would like to share? I'd love to hear about your first look if you did one! Please comment below and help a sista out :)

I'm linking up with Macy & Nikki for Wedding Wednesday and Jenn & Jessi for What's Hap-Pinning?!


  1. I like the side-by-side peek-a-boo. that's a super cute/cheeky idea.

    Trish - tales from trish

  2. I like the bride walking up behind the groom. So cute. However, I think they are all great ideas. Go with the one you feel would like the most. Oh and I too am an ugly crier, good thing I most likely won't ever get married.

  3. All of these ideas are SO cute!! I love the balloons one, if we were to do it again I think I would go with that. We had ours on a pier, so I walked up behind my Husband.

    Thanks for linking up with us!

  4. I can totally relate with being an ugly crier and not wanting to do that in front of all of your guests! We're going to be doing a first look and I think we're going to be doing the one where I walk up behind my fiance and he turns around! But all of those ideas are super cute! - Svetlana @Life with a Side of Wine

  5. These are all beautiful ideas. We didn't do a first look, but if we did I would have done the classic walk up behind the groom. I love those pictures.

  6. How fun!! It will be the perfect moment I'm sure!! xo

  7. We did a first look and it was honestly one of my best decisions of wedding planning!! We did the walking up behind him, but I LOVE the idea of using balloons! Especially if that's special for you guys! :)

  8. I love them all! The balloon idea is super cute though!

  9. omg how do you choose??? i like side by side!

  10. I love the bride walking behind him simply because it is the closest to him seeing you for the first time walking down the isle.


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