Thursday, August 2, 2018

To My Sweet Two Year Old

Another year has gone by and I wonder if I'll not feel that it was just yesterday that you were born. Looking back at your newborn photos and videos is a recipe for tears but I can't help myself because I need to always remember that time is fleeting and I need to soak up every second because it's so true when I hear people say the days are long but the years are short.

This has been a year of growth for all of us. We have a year under our belt as Floridians and are finally getting into the swing of our life here. We've spent countless days at Disney and you absolutely LOVE meeting the characters. You cry and throw a fit until it's your turn to meet them...but I do need to mention it's only love for fur characters because the face characters give you a big case of stranger danger. 

You are talking more and more every day. Your favorite words include: momma, daddy, Google, RuPaul, Poppa, yes, no, and saying that you are TWO! You are so agile and as much as I'd love for you to be a prissy ballerina I honestly think you're going to be a stellar athlete.You can shoot baskets, run super fast, climb, jump, and swim like a fish. You seriously have zero fear of the water which dad loves and I have crazy anxiety about. 

You still like MMCH but it's definitely on the back burner compared to your love of Peppa Pig, Word Party, Moana, and still Boss Baby. You love to color and draw on you chalkboard table and easel. You are so incredibly sweet...and far more maternal than I ever was...with your Bitty Baby named Vanjie from the Brankamps and mini Cabbage Patch kid doll from Mim. You are totally your mother's daughter when it comes to your sweet beg for popsicles every evening. You could be in the worst mood but the second something is present you smile ear to ear...I'm trying my best to teach you moderation with sweets but am failing miserably. 

You are so sweet 90% of the time but man do you have a raging temper the other 10%...I have no idea where that comes from lol! My favorite part of my day is when I get home from work and you bolt to the door to greet me with the biggest hug, kiss, and pat on the back. Two years ago I was scared and felt so unready for you but that's the great thing about gives you exactly what you need exactly when you need it. Thank you for making me a mom and for teaching every day how to be a better person. I'm so glad you entered my life exactly when I needed you. Happy Birthday Mouse, I love you. 

All photos courtesy of Faison Anne Photography

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