Monday, October 12, 2015

My last weekend as a Kennedy

Hello and Happy Monday. I'm linking up with Biana to tell you about my last weekend as a Kennedy! 

Friday was filled with last minute errands for me including a shirt pick up for my dance team who worked so hard this week and scheduled an extra practice all on their own accord, getting everything set up accordingly before we leave, talking with vendors, and giving our final head count to our reception venue.

 My team working hard.

These tops turned out so cute! The Emory crest is metallic gold :)

Saturday was our "clean the house before we leave so we don't come back to a Febreze Noticeables commercial taping" day and lounge around/cuddle the puppies because they know when a trip is coming and are extra clingy. 

Caddie wouldn't leave Brian's side.

Sunday we made finalized the guest table assignments and packed everything we need for next week! And of course it wouldn't be a true wedding week without it starting with a wedding guest Facebook messaging me about "what is the deal with the no photos during your ceremony?" Come on people it's not that hard, read it with me, IF YOU AREN'T BEING PAID TO TAKE PICTURES DURING OUR CEREMONY PUT YOUR IPHONE AWAY. I mean for real if you think you Nashville filter is going to look like a professional picture you need a serious reality check. LOL

 By the end I wanted to be like "pick your own dang seat!"

All packed up!

We fly up to Cleveland tonight for our wedding! I can't believe it! I'm taking a breath for as long as I can so I can truly "soak up" the moments of this week. I've scheduled some fun little wedding themed posts throughout the week and make sure to stop by for this week's Wedding Wednesday because it's being taken over by none other than my soon to be husband, Brian! As always, thanks for reading and if you want to follow along during our wedding week shenanigans you can (and totally should) via #SchiffJustGotReal on Instagram and my snapchat story (username: @J0RDASHIAN)! 


  1. Have an amazing week and don't sweat the small stuff! Hope it is everything you hoped for!!!

  2. Hve an amazing week!! I always have to clean before I leave too hahah!

  3. How exciting!!! Have an awesome week ♥ Hope you have the time of your life. I can't wait to see pictures! Happy Monday (:

  4. Wedding week is so exciting!!! It's going to fly by enjoy every second =)

  5. Ahhhh! So exciting! And seriously, someone had the audacity to FB message you about the no pictures thing? That's the worst!

    Have a WONDERFUL week!

    Lauren :)

  6. Oh how exciting!! Hope you have a wonderful week!!


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