Monday, October 17, 2016

One year down...

I always heard that the first year of marriage is the hardest but for us it's been the most eventful. Since day one of our relationship we hit the ground running and didn't waste anytime worrying about the "normal timeline" so many people stress about. We were married on this day last year which marked two years together and now we're celebrating three years together and one year of marriage. The past 365 days have been filled with so many adventures like traveling to Europe for the first time but most importantly became the proud parents of a beautiful baby girl. If you would have told me last year that we would be celebrating our first wedding anniversary as parents I would have called you a liar but everything is in God's time, not our time. To be honest it's been an insane year filled with lots of laughs and tears but if given the choice I wouldn't change a thing. Here's to many more happy years with the man who never questions my purchases on Etsy, never forgets the bronco berry sauce, keeps me laughing, and takes me to Disney any chance he can. I love you Coach!

1 comment :

  1. It's an excellent location, right in the heart of the city near public transportation. The NYC wedding venues have coat hangers right at the entrance where you can leave your coat, and a lobby where you can set up some cocktail tables.


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