Sunday, October 9, 2016

Say it isn't so...

I can't wrap my mind around how quickly ten weeks has passed and that tomorrow I have to go back to work. I wish I could stay home with you for longer but like lots of modern day mommies I have to work to help support our family. I remember being pregnant and thinking that I'd be excited to go back to work but now that reality has set in I know I'll be crying all the way down I-20 tomorrow morning. Before the tears start flowing tonight I want to share with you my favorite things I've learned about you these past ten weeks together, just you and me. 

When you wake up in the middle of the night to eat and be changed the sleep loving part of me is always a little mad...that is until you look up at me with the sweetest little face as of you're saying thank you for taking care of me. 

The moment we both officially wake up for the day and we steal some extra cuddle time and you flash the cutest little smile followed by baby giggles that completely melt my heart. 

I love that you let me read to you and look at me the entire time even though I try to get you to look at the pictures on the pages.

You're such a good traveler and make going out in public so much better than my pre-mommy self thought it would be. You were especially good when we would go have lunch with daddy...I will miss  those visits. 

I'm so thankful that noise doesn't bother you. I've tried my hardest to make sure that you aren't one of those babies that needs silence to sleep. The dogs can be barking while I'm unloading the dishwasher and you sleep right through it.

Our days together were so wonderful and as my maternity leave grew shorter and shorter I began to cherish them even more. I soaked up every moment as you napped on me, marveled each time you'd hold my finger when you nursed, and cherished each time you'd look me right in the eyes as if you were about to start a conversation.

In ten short weeks you've turned me from a terrified, "I don't know how to take care of her", crying mess being wheeled out of the hospital to a proud, "yes I'm flying alone with a baby", confident mommy. As sad as I am to not spend my days with you I'm excited that your daddy gets to have one on one time with you. Who knows...maybe the stars will align and I'll get to stay home with you full time eventually but until then I'll race home everyday to kiss your precious little face.


  1. I hope work is going okay for you this week. I work full time and it can be really hard, but you are doing a great job providing for your family and sweet baby! :)

  2. Thinking of you, mama! Hope this week is going okay - sending you lots of hugs!!


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