Monday, August 3, 2015

Weekending: Welcome August!

Can you believe it's already August?! This year is absolutely flying by! I'm linking up with Biana at B Loved Boston to tell you about my fun and relaxing weekend. 

I didn't have to work Friday (WOOHOO) but I didn't get to sleep in because I had to drive to the airport at 5:30AM to get Brian there in time for his flight to Cleveland. Once I got home I took a little nap and lounged around the house until my wine and painting class with some of the ladies of my alumni group. I’m the VP of Programming for my alumni chapter here in Atlanta and I get to plan fun events like this every month.
I love crafting especially when champagne is involved!

We painted the Atlanta skyline.

Everyone with their masterpieces

My little Tori now lives in Atlanta and I couldn't be more excited. 

 Tori, Kate, and I are all from the same chapter and went to WVU together. It’s so nice to have some chapter sisters in Atlanta!

Saturday morning was filled with binge watching Parks and Recreation on Netflix, cuddling with my puppies, and celebrating the fact that Patricia from Bravo’s Southern Charm retweeted and favorited my tweet of her house as well as the Real Housewife OG Vicki liking two of my instagram pictures. This girl is in Bravo fan bliss!
Mulligan is the puppy on the top left. We adopted him when we moved to GA last year. We have been fostering the little girl puppy on the bottom right a few weeks for my cousin and on Thursday we officially adopted her!

Sunday I cleaned the house and picked up Brian from the airport. We went to IKEA to get some final wedding reception items we needed so that we can take them to WV this weekend for my mom to take to Cleveland in October and then had dinner at The Varsity

I hope you all had a great weekend too and make sure to stop by here on in a couple days for this week’s Wedding Wednesday post featuring my bridal and bachelorette events recaps!




  1. oh champagne crafts! that's so awesome! although with me I think my bottles would've been empty ;)

    trish - tales from trish

    1. Thanks Trish! They always turn out so cute. This tag features the opening to one of my sorority's old drinking chants. I have custom labels and tags for the champagne at my wedding. I always go overboard with champs crafts LOL. Thanks for reading :)

  2. Wow wow wow- I just died a little of excitement about your Bravo Fandom...

    1. Shay you have no idea! LOL. I'll let you know that both our wedding party entrance song and our "mr. and mrs." introduction songs are Bravo jams! My friends and I stalked Greggy Bennett's IG for updates on Lauren Manzo's wedding when it was happening. Are you on BlogLovin'?


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